Community Based Rehabilitation
Community Based Rehabilitation aims at changing the
environment, enabling patients to find methods to
modify available infrastructure for easier access and helping them to meet
other special needs they will encounter while living in
their community. Community based rehabilitation is especially
relevant India, as the majority of our population live in rural areas,
where the access for health care is limited.
The Community Based Rehabilitation Unit was set up in May
2004. In the future the Unit plans to organise Disability and
Development Abnormalities Screenings and a Rehabilitation Mela.
Services Provided
Health Education for PMR In-patients on how to prevent &
manage pressure sores, bladder & bowel complications and
other problems
Home Evaluation, Pre Vocational Assessment
and Vocational Training
Correspondence with
discharged PMR
patients in order to know their medical
& vocational requirements & plan for the same.
Home visits
to study the patients’ progress, to give advice on
modification of environment, to assess
the relevance of Rehab interventions at the tertiary
level to patients in the rural &
semi rural setting and to collect relevant data for
Arranging for
Sports and