Disability statistics and facilities in India
Statistics on locomotor disabilities in India
Estimates of the number of disabled persons in India vary a great deal,
depending on the definitions, the source, the methodology and the extent of use
of scientific instruments in identifying and measuring the degree of disability.
According to a countrywide study on Disability by the National Sample Survey
Organisation (NSSO) conducted in 1991 about 1.9 per cent of the total population
of the country, i.e., 16.15 million persons have physical or sensory
disabilities which include visual, speech, hearing and locomotor disabilities.
There was a slight increase in disability over the previous decade both in terms
of absolute numbers and percentage.
In the study locomotor disability was defined as "the loss or lack of
normal ability of an individual to move both himself/herself and/or objects
from one place to another". It may occur due to:
Paralysis of the limb or body
Deformity in the limb(s)
Loss of limb(s)
Dysfunction of joints of the limb(s)
Deformity in the body other than that in the limb (e.g. deformity in the
spine, or in the neck or dwarfing or stunting)
The study shows that there are 8.9 million cases of locomotor disability in
India. Compared to 1981 the prevalence of locomotor disability has shown a
substantial increase, although the incidence remains nearly the same.
The 1991, the NSSO study found the following general prevalence and incidence
rates for locomotor disability in India:
Average (50/50)
1005 per 100000
52.5 per 100000/year
The following causes for locomotor disability were identified (in %):
Injury other than burns
Other illnesses
Old age
Cerebral Palsy
Medical/surgical intervention
Cardio-respiratory diseases
Not known
Statistics on Spinal Cord Injuries in India
Not much data is available for SCI in India. We can take the incidence rate of
the USA, which is 32 injuries per million population , as a lower boundary for
the situation in India, where security standards are much lower and most
injuries occur by falling down from heights. The highest per capita rate of
injury occurs between ages 16-30 and a high percentage of injured are male,
which means that in many cases the primary income earner of a family is
affected. For those patients and their families it is even more important to
achieve the rehabilitation goal of helping to become a resource earner rather
than burner.
A small study of SCI patients conducted by the Rehabilitation Research Center
in Jaipur has revealed the following causes of SCI in India :
Number of cases
Road traffic accidents
Weights falling on back
Current rehabilitation facilities in India
Due to a combination of poverty and absence of a rehabilitation tradition, the
field of rehabilitation is very underdeveloped in India. As a general rule for
developing countries, the WHO estimates that only 1-2% of patients who need
rehabilitation actually has access to it .
In 2001, the Karnataka Health Task Force published a report that highlights
this lack of rehabilitation facilities, stating explicitly that there is an
"overall lack of emphasis on preventive, promotive and rehabilitative
care." Rehabilitation is stated as one of the main goals of the State of
Karnataka integrated health policy.
Below we will give an overview of the different actors in providing
rehabilitation care in India
Rehabilitation institutes and PMR departments in hospitals
There are currently only a handful of rehabilitation institutes and PMR
departments offering the holistic type of care we defined earlier. The following
is a selection of some the most well-known ones in India
CMC Vellore
CMC Vellore runs a separate Rehabilitation Center for
in-patients, focussing on SCI patients. Six beds are also available for rehab in
the general hospital, but these are not included in the below statistics.
Out-patients also are treated in the general hospital only, and not in the
rehabilitation center.
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center, New Delhi Bhubanashwar
Institute for the Physically Handicapped - IPH - New Delhi
National Institute of Rehabilitation, Cuttack, Orissa - NIRTAR
National Institute of Orthopaedically Handicapped, Calcutta - NIOH
All India Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Mumbai -
AIIPMR - (Central Government Hospital)
Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, Bangalore
Establishing the definite number of such institutes in the whole of India is
made difficult by the fact that many hospitals will state they have a PMR
department, whereas actually the facilities are limited to a physiotherapy
section. Nonetheless, we feel it is safe to say that there are no more than 25
proper rehabilitation institutes for the whole population of India. This is in
shrill contrast with the situation in Europe, where there are around 2 such
institutes per million inhabitants. Following this line of reasoning, India
would need to have some 2,000 rehabilitation institutes to bring its care on the
same level as Europe.
The Voluntary Sector
There are around 1600 voluntary organisations serving people with disabilities
in India. They have a variety of missions such as raising awareness, lobbying,
networking, research, vocational training and also rehabilitation. Some
non-governmental organisations (NGO's) are engaged in Community Based
Rehabilitation (CBR) programmes. While all of these NGO's are fulfilling
important roles in elements of the rehabilitation process, it is safe to say
that none of them constitutes a replacement for the kind of care Institute Based
Rehabilitation (IBR) can offer. NGO's recognise this need for institutional
based rehabilitation for the severely disabled persons before they can go back
into their communities. Developing a system of referrals should be considered part and parcel
of CBR programmes. An institution based rehabilitation centre can complement CBR
initiatives in the following ways:
It can serve as a referral centre for orthopaedic evaluation, advice and surgery
It can provide orthopaedic and rehabilitation equipment which is too complicated
to be made at the village level
The rehab-specialists can make periodic visits to village rehabilitation centres
to evaluate possible surgical needs of selected [patients]
The rehab staff (medical and paramedical) can make short teaching visits to
teach and advise the village team
The rehab centre can provide apprenticeship opportunities for local rehab
Government Programmes
The Ministry of Welfare, Government of India launched the District
Rehabilitation Scheme in 1985 in order to provide comprehensive rehabilitation
services to the rural disabled. The aims of the District Rehabilitation Centres
(DRC's) include surveys, prevention, and medical intervention, fitting of
appliances, therapy and education. In 1997 eleven DRCs were functioning in ten
States in India.
The government also runs numerous Communication Health Centres all over
India. Often specialists on disabilities (PMR doctors, physiotherapists, and
occupational therapists) visit these centres in regular intervals (e.g. every 2
months) to do an assessment of cases and refer the patients to specialised
government or private hospitals. In Bangalore this process is mainly used in the
urban slum areas rather than in the rural areas around Bangalore.
There are a few regional training and information centres run by the
Government of India, but none of them is in the greater Bangalore area.
Training Institutions for PMR
The Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), New Delhi, was set up in 1986. It has
been playing an important role in ensuring the quality of services in the
crucial area of manpower development and in enforcing uniform standards in
training professionals in the field of rehabilitation for the disabled. To
conduct recognised training programmes, the Council has identified 91
institutions in the country.
Vocational Training Institutions
The Government of India has established 17 Vocational Training Centres in the
country, which are mostly located in State Capitals. These centres are supposed
to assess, train and find jobs for disabled people. Vocational training is also
offered by many NGO's, e.g. Action Aid and some hospitals.